Wednesday, December 16, 2009


These photos represent the tone in Everest. Through out this short story, he goes through a lot of ups and downs. These picures represent how he went through joy, excitment, fear, and happy when he was climbing the mountain. But the few that show tragity and fear are for when he lost his mother and his sight.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Spiders or Hornets?

I would rather spend time studying hornets rather then trantulas because i hate spiders. Some of them can kill you if they bite you, and with like hornets or any kind of bee i can swat them away or something. These digger wasps, if you couldnt tell by there name dig into the ground and make there nest there. These wasp, also know ass killer wasps, are the most common kind of wasp found in Iowa. Even though they have the name killer wasp, i still woukld rater study and be around them then a turantula. The digger wasp is about two inches long, they are black with yellow markings on the thorax and abdomen. So if i had to choose between the two of them, i would rather study the digger wasps, because i would feel a little safer studying and being around them.

Friday, December 4, 2009


He inspired becuase even though he was blind, he still managed to climb the tallest mountin in the world while having a disability. He proved that even though you might not be physicaly or mentaly equiped to do something, if you try you always have a chance to succede.